DIN 10083 Specification

EN 10296 DIN 267

DIN 10083 Chemical composition

Quality steels
C35 1.0501 0,32 to 0,39 0.4 0,50 to 0,80 0.045 max. 0,045 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.63
C40 1.0511 0,37 to 0,44 0.4 0,50 to 0,80 0.045 max. 0,045 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.63
C45 1.0503 0,42 to 0,50 0.4 0,50 to 0,80 0.045 max. 0,045 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.63
C55 1.0535 0,52 to 0,60 0.4 0,60 to 0,90 0.045 max. 0,045 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.63
C60 1.0601 0,57 to 0,65 0.4 0,60 to 0,90 0.045 max. 0,045 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.63
Special steels
C22E 1.1151 0,17 to 0,24 0.4 0,40 to 0,70 0.03 max. 0,035 e 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.63
C22R 1.1149 0,020 to 0,040
C35E 1.1181 0,32 to 0,39 0.4 0,50 to 0,80 0.03 max. 0,035 e 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.63
C35R 1.118 0,020 to 0,040
C40E 1.1186 0,37 to 0,44 0.4 0,50 to 0,80 0.03 max. 0,035 e 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.63
C40R 1.1189 0,020 to 0,040
C45E 1.1191 0,42 to 0,50 0.4 0,50 to 0,80 0.03 max. 0,035 e 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.63
C45R 1.1201 0,020 to 0,040
C50E 1.1206 0,47 to 0,55 0.4 0,60 to 0,90 0.03 max. 0,035 e 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.63
C50R 1.1241 0,020 to 0,040
C55E 1.1203 0,52 to 0,60 0.4 0,60 to 0,90 0.03 max. 0,035 e 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.63
C55R 1.1209 0,020 to 0,040
C60E 1.1221 0,57 to 0,65 0.4 0,60 to 0,90 0.03 max. 0,035 e 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.63
C60R 1.1223 0,020 to 0,040
28Mn6 1.117 0,25 to 0,32 0.4 1,30 to 1,65 0.03 max. 0,035 e 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.63
  • a Elements not quoted in this table shall not be intentionally added to the steel without the agreement of the purchaser, other than for the purpose of finishing the heat. All reasonable precautions shall be taken to prevent the addition of such elements from scrap or other material used in the manufacture which affect the hardenability, mechanical properties and applicability.
  • b Where requirements are made on hardenability of special steels (see Tables 5 to 7), slight deviations from the limits for the cast analysis are permissible, except for the elements carbon (see footnote d), phosphorus and sulphur; the deviations shall not exceed the specifications of Table 4.
  • c Steels with improved machinability as a result of the addition of higher sulphur contents up to around 0,10% S (including resulphurized steels with controlled inclusion content (e.g. Ca-treatment)) may be supplied upon request. In this case, the upper limit for the manganese content may be increased by 0,15 %.
  • d If special steels are ordered without hardenability requirements (symbols +H, +HH, +HL) or without mechanical property requirements in the quenched and tempered or normalized condition, a restriction in the carbon range to 0,05 % and/or the total sum of the elements Cr, Mo and Ni to £ 0,45 % may be agreed at the time of ordering.
  • e If agreed at the time of enquiry and order, for flat products, sulphur is restricted to maximum 0,010 % by mass.

Permissible deviations between the product analysis and the limiting values

Element Permissible maximum content in the cast analysis % by mass Permissible deviationa % by mass
C ≤0,55 ± 0,02
> 0,55 ≤0,65 ± 0,03
Si ≤0,40 0.03
Mn ≤1,00 ± 0,04
> 1,00 ≤1,65 ± 0,05
P ≤0,045 0.005
S ≤0,045 + 0,005 b
Cr ≤0,40 0.05
Mo ≤0,10 0.03
Ni ≤0,40 0.05
  • a ± means that in one cast, the deviation may occur over the upper value or under the lower value of the specified range in Table 3, but not both at the same time.
  • b For steels with a specified sulphur range (0,020% to 0,040% according to cast analysis) the permissible deviation is ± 0,005%.

DIN 10083 Mechanical Properties

Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature

Mechanical properties at room temperature in the quenched and tempered condition (+QT)

Steel designation Mechanical properties for the ruling section (see EN 10083-1:2006, Annex A) with a diameter ( d ) or for flat products thickness ( t ) of
d ≤ 16 mm t ≤ 8 mm 16 mm < d ≤ 40 mm 8 mm < t ≤ 20 mm 40 mm < d ≤ 100 mm 20 mm < t ≤ 60 mm
Name Number Re
Rm A
Rm A
Rm A
MPa c MPa c MPa c
Quality steels
C35 1.0501 430 630 to 780 17 40 - 380 600 to 750 19 45 - 320 550 to 700 20 50 -
C40 1.0511 460 650 to 800 16 35 - 400 630 to 780 18 40 - 350 600 to 750 19 45 -
C45 1.0503 490 700 to 850 14 35 - 430 650 to 800 16 40 - 370 630 to 780 17 45 -
C55 1.0535 550 800 to 950 12 30 - 490 750 to 900 14 35 - 420 700 to 850 15 40 -
C60 1.0601 580 850 to 1 000 11 25 - 520 800 to 950 13 30 - 450 750 to 900 14 35 -
Special steels
C22E C22R 1.1151 1.1149 340 500 to 650 20 50 - 290 470 to 620 22 50 50 - - - - -
C35E C35R 1.1181 1.1180 430 630 to 780 17 40 - 380 600 to 750 19 45 35 320 550 to 700 20 50 35
C40E C40R 1.1186 1.1189 460 650 to 800 16 35 - 400 630 to 780 18 40 30 350 600 to 750 19 45 30
C45E C45R 1.1191 1.1201 490 700 to 850 14 35 - 430 650 to 800 16 40 25 370 630 to 780 17 45 25
C50E C50R 1.1206 1.1241 520 750 to 900 13 30 - 460 700 to 850 15 35 - 400 650 to 800 16 40 -
C55E C55R 1.1203 1.1209 550 800 to 950 12 30 - 490 750 to 900 14 35 - 420 700 to 850 15 40 -
C60E C60R 1.1221 1.1223 580 850 to 1 000 11 25 - 520 800 to 950 13 30 - 450 750 to 900 14 35 -
28Mn6 1.117 590 800 to 950 13 40 - 490 700 to 850 15 45 40 440 650 to 800 16 50 40
  • a Re: Upper yield strength or, if no yield phenomenon occurs, the 0,2 % proof strength Rp0,2.
  • Rm: Tensile strength.
  • A: Percentage elongation after fracture (gauge length L0 = 5,65 √S0 ;).
  • Z: Reduction in cross-section on fracture.
  • KV: Impact strength of longitudinal Charpy V-notch test pieces (average of 3 individual values shall meet the minimum specified in the table; no individual value shall be lower than 70% of the minimum).
  • b For sampling see EN 10083-1:2006
  • c 1 MPa = 1 N/mm2

Mechanical properties at room temperature in the normalized condition (+N)

Steel designation Mechanical properties for products with a diameter ( d ) or, for flat products, a thickness ( t ) of
d ≤ 16 mm
t ≤ 16 mm
16 mm < d ≤ 100 mm
16 mm < t ≤ 100 mm
100 mm < d ≤ 250 mm
100 mm < t ≤ 250 mm
Name Number Re
Quality steels
C35 1.0501 300 550 18 270 520 19 245 500 19
C40 1.0511 320 580 16 290 550 17 260 530 17
C45 1.0503 340 620 14 305 580 16 275 560 16
C55 1.0535 370 680 11 330 640 12 300 620 12
C60 1.0601 380 710 10 340 670 11 310 650 11
Special steelsb
C22E C22R 1.1151 1.1149 240 430 24 210 410 25 - - -
C35E C35R 1.1181 1.1180 300 550 18 270 520 19 245 500 19
C40E C40R 1.1186 1.1189 320 580 16 290 550 17 260 530 17
C45E C45R 1.1191 1.1201 340 620 14 305 580 16 275 560 16
C50E C50R 1.1206 1.1241 355 650 13 320 610 14 290 590 14
C55E C55R 1.1203 1.1209 370 680 11 330 640 12 300 620 12
C60E C60R 1.1221 1.1223 380 710 10 340 670 11 310 650 11
28Mn6 1.117 345 630 17 310 600 18 290 590 18
  • a Re: Upper yield strength or, if no yield phenomenon occurs, the 0,2 % proof strength Rp0,2.
  • Rm: Tensile strength.
  • A: Percentage elongation after fracture (gauge length L0 = 5,65 √S 0 ;).
  • b The values also apply for the special steel grades with hardenability requirements (+H, +HH and +HL grades) as specified in Tables 5 to 7.
  • c 1 MPa = 1 N/mm2.

DIN 10083 Heat Treatment

Steel designation Quenchingb,c
Quenching d
Tempering e
End quench test °C Normalizing c
Name Number
Quality steels
C35 1.0501 840 to 880 Water or oil 550 to 660 - 860 to 920
C40 1.0511 830 to 870 - 850 to 910
C45 1.0503 820 to 860 - 840 to 900
C55 1.0535 810 to 850 Oil or water - 825 to 885
C60 1.0601 810 to 850 - 820 to 880
Special steelsf
C22E C22R 1.1151 1.1149 860 to 900 Water 550 to 660 - 880 to 940
C35E C35R 1.1181 1.1180 840 to 880 Water or oil 870 ± 5 860 to 920
C40E C40R 1.1186 1.1189 830 to 870 870 ± 5 850 to 910
C45E C45R 1.1191 1.1201 820 to 860 850 ± 5 840 to 900
C50E C50R 1.1206 1.1241 810 to 850 Oil or water 850 ± 5 830 to 890
C55E C55R 1.1203 1.1209 810 to 850 830 ± 5 825 to 885
C60E C60R 1.1221 1.1223 810 to 850 830 ± 5 820 to 880
28Mn6 1.117 840 to 880 Water or oil 540 to 680 850 ± 5 850 to 890
  • a The conditions given in this table are for guidance. However, the temperatures specified for the end quench test are mandatory.
  • b The temperatures at the lower end of the range are generally applicable to quenching in water and those at the upper end for quenching in oil.
  • c Austenitizing period: at least 30 min (guide value). d When choosing the quenching agent the influence of other parameters, such as shape, dimensions, and quenching temperature on properties and crack susceptibility should be taken into account. Other quenching agents such as synthetic quenchants may also be used.
  • e Tempering period: at least 60 min (guide value).
  • f This table also applies for the special steel grades with specified hardenability (+H-, +HH- and +HL-grades) covered in Tables 5 to 7.

DIN 10083 Bolting Surface Treatment Specifications

DIN 10083 Bolting Components Marking

Product Shall be Marked with our manufacturing trade mark "TorqBolt" or "TB" along with the designated Grade.
Grade and manufacturer’s identification symbols shall be applied to one end of studs and to the heads of bolts and screws of all sizes. (If the available area is inadequate, the grade symbol may be marked on one end and the manufacturer’s identification symbol marked on the other end.) For bolts and screws smaller than 1⁄4 in. [6 mm] in diameter and studs smaller than 3⁄8 in. [10 mm] in diameter and for 1⁄4 in. [6 mm] in diameter studs requiring more than a total of three symbols, the marking shall be a matter of agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

DIN 10083 Bolting Certifications

  • EN 10204 3.1
  • EN 10204 3.2
  • PED 2014/68/EC
  • MERKBLATT AD 2000 W2/W7/W10
  • API 20 E BSL 1/ BSL 2
  • NACE MR 0175
  • NACE MR 0103