Customer Service Survey

Please take a moment to fill out this survey.

Overall Satisfaction Of Service

Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Existing Infrastructure
Timely Development
Inquiry Response
Technical Expertize
Response Of Our Communication
Timely Response Of Your Complaint
Product Packing Method
Mode Of Tranportation
Timely Delivery
Product Quality
Sub Total

Would you use our customer service in the future ?

How can we improve our service ?

Rating : Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) [(Observed Value) / (Total Value)] x 100 = [ ( ( 0 ) / ( 100 ) ) ] x 100 = 0.00%

Grade : A - Excellent (Above 90%), B - Satisfactory (Above 80% to 90%), C - Needs Improvement (Below 80%) =

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